Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Looking for the Features of the Right Parental Monitoring Software

Looking for the Features of the Right Parental Monitoring Software
Internet use is considered to be the most common technology used by people, and kids use these technologies for their pleasure, as well. Games, web surfing and using it for research are some of the things your kids can do with the Internet and the online facilities. One of the biggest fears a parent has is when kid's access private websites or sensitive information.
While fear for such a thing is considered, the best thing you can do with it is to aid it with the use of the parental monitoring software, and there will always be others out there that will offer you a mileage of features that lets it stand apart from others. Three distinct areas of concern will often be essential for the entire software, and it may come in handy in taking the chance to note these.
Listed below are basic categories one might need for the software application:
Monitoring Features
  • - Screen capture and recording are two of the most useful tools you can have as part of the process. Look for the set of applications that just might work to give you these functions.
  • - Email monitoring is considered as a plus version of the parental monitoring software. It would certainly do some good for one to have the details of outgoing and incoming mail to be tracked with the system.
  • - Keystroke monitoring is considered as one of the few features that will give you the tracking of the strokes typed on the keypads of the computers, and your kids will certainly be monitored on the websites they are using, and even those on the social networking sites
  • - IM chat history record is one of the functions that makes the parental software the best in the market, and it will be one that will record the chat sessions of your kids on various networks like AOL, MSN, Yahoo and others.
  • - Web page usage is one thing that many software applications will do, and the software you must choose must be properly filled with such functional features that make it stand out. Every single website visited while your child was online will be recorded on the log.
  • - Application history is a functional feature that will make sure all the apps from the video viewing down to the programs opened will be viewed by you. Some parents want to have this as part of the software as there might have been some programs that will have been installed without them knowing it.
Parenting Technologies Needed
Feature-wise, the use of the parental monitoring software will allow you to check every movement your kids will have online. Most parents feel that while their kids are at home they will feel they are safe. However, with the freedom of posting on the Internet, there will certainly be dangers to the kids at every level. Sometimes it would be wise that the technology used by kids will be the same one that will keep them safe from viewing websites that are improper.
The Web Watcher Now Software
Considering the dangers of the industry and the technology, it goes without saying that there will be the need to have the Web Watcher Now to be part of the solution. If there is one thing that this product will offer, it will be the fact that it will give you the service of monitoring and tracking and not have the other party to have any knowledge about it. Using Web Watcher means a product that will record all the activities and events on the computer.

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